As I trawl my favourite and popular blogs and websites I notice it, that tumble into the abyss. What has happened?
Why are bloggers going berserk?
Why are people queuing up to buy the most overt bullshit out there?
Where ever I look I see people full of anger, FEAR, and hate, and they want me to feel the same. I refuse to go down that road. By the skin of my teeth… I’m holding on!
The New World Order is being ushered in by the Elite controllers of the planet and there is nothing I can do about it?
The Jews control Hollywood and the world banks and there is nothing I can do about it.
The Paedophiles really are controlling the governments of the planet and there is nothing I can do about it?
But there are also aliens from Zeta Reticuli working with the American government.
The Twin Towers did not collapse because of two passenger airliners?
Obama is a paid actor, working for the Elite?
The moon is really the Death Star.
At this year’s Olympics there is going to be a major terrorist attack.
At this year’s Olympics the Rapture will take place.
An asteroid is going to crash into the Earth in 2013?
There is a two thousand year-old pink leprechaun living in the hollow Earth? (Okay, I confess I made that one up.)
Every absurd thing, every conspiracy your mind can think up is real, okay?
Believe it!
There are lies and negativity everywhere on the Internet and there are shocking and horrifying things going on right now, as I type this post. Again I am told there is nothing I can do about any of this.
That's the BIG LIE because there is a lot that I can do about it.
People don’t seem to realise that by repeating these stories, theories, accounts, and evidence, they make it so, they bring it into being, they spread the FEAR, and they manifest it into the real ‘material world’.
By all means feed the monster and sit back and watch it grow. Say, ‘Yes, I believe in your absurd accusations – I believe it all, every single word and I am scared, real scared!’
Soon enough there will not be much left for the monster to consume, except you and me.
So, what am I going to do about it? Am I going to continue absorbing and accepting this mind-numbing ‘meta-reality’?
I am not hiding under a rock and pretending that the world is full of hearts and flowers, some of these theories do have merit. But whenever I read a story intended to spread ANGER, FEAR, and HATE, I am shouting at the top of my voice, ‘I don’t accept your shit, I have the power, and you don’t scare me anymore!’
(rant of the day!)
I was going to ask, where the heck have you been on line today?
Don't let it all get to you.
It is a tough slog to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Where ever I look I see people full of anger, FEAR, and hate, and they want me to feel the same. I refuse to go down that road. By the skin of my teeth… I’m holding on!"
Most definitely not me.
I don't want to see anyone full of fear or hate.
Just enlightenment and love.
If we hate, we lose.
If we fear, were controlled
Both ways we have given up our own personal power.
You hold on Mar/Mar!!
btw: I linked you in my sidebar, I hope that is ok?
I find myself strangely unafraid and calm. :)
I accept that some fairly bad shit is on the horizon, but living in fear is not going to help anything - unless it motivates us to make some positive changes within ourselves.
Everything is not ok and there are plenty of valid reasons to be concerned, but that doesn't mean we should just surrender and give in to feelings of complete doom and despair, either.
One way or another, we can find ways to overcome the dread and panic impluses that are being shoveled at us constantly in the form of psychological warfare in mass media.
These attacks have only one purpose, and that is to keep us all in a constant state of shock, fear and confusion.
It's a funny thing when you realize that it is actualy YOU - and only you - that allows "them" to have any level of control over you and your thoughts.
I think the evil powers that be understand very well that it is easier (and just plain lazy) for many people to believe that they have no power or choice in the matter.
The actual reality is that while "they" do have some level of control over things like the price of oil and what propaganda will be spewed forth to the masses, a much bigger part of the control over our daily lives, thoughts and actions belongs entirely to US.
God has total control, ultmately, yet has allowed each of us complete freewill to choose good or evil for ourselves - and therefore, all of the consequences that flow from the choices we make.
We should choose wisely, of course, but we still must CHOOSE.
I think it would serve us well to keep reminding ourselves that, ultimately, it is each of us as individual souls who control our own destinies - and definitely NOT Lady Gaga or some mysterious, anal-probing aliens. :)
And btw, I got that new Boris Malagusrski documentary about the Balkan wars, called "The Weight of Chains".
It's very good if you can find it somewhere out there.
This one gives some much needed perspective and reality to counter the deceptive and manipulative US / UN propaganda re: Syria.
Hi Penny, thank you for your feedback, I have been struggling with a few things this week and then logged onto the Internet, read something stupid on someone else's blog, and got aggravated. Now I am trying to calm down.
I appreciate your sanity to be sure!
Your blog has been very inspiring to me over these past few weeks.
Hey LVB, as usual you have hit the nail on the head! Yes, it is definitely US - we have to use our energy and stand up, make the changes, refuse to be dragged down by the negative etc. We must choose.
Thank you for your encouragement, which you know I appreciate. A voice of reason as always!
I am really tuning into all the propaganda about Syria lately, it's become very personal for some indescribable reason.
"God has total control, ultmately, yet has allowed each of us complete freewill to choose good or evil for ourselves - and therefore, all of the consequences that flow from the choices we make."
Thought provoking.
- Aangirfan
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