Friday, August 21, 2020

A Killing Season – How Belief in Covid-19 Destroyed the World


01/05/2020 - Denmark passed an emergency law that allows for the government to force people to take a vaccine for coronavirus.

The emergency law gives authorities sweeping powers to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and will remain in force until March 2021.

Citizens who refuse to be tested for the coronavirus will face fines and potential prison time, and will be prevented from entering shops, grocery stores, public institutions and hospitals while also being restricted from using public transport.

“As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus,” reports the Local.

Copenhagen University law professor Jens Elo Rytter said the new measures were “certainly the most extreme since the Second World War.”

The initial draft of the law was even more draconian and would have allowed police to enter private homes without a warrant if there was a suspicion of a coronavirus infection.

However, this measure was dropped after opposition from other parties in the Parliament.

To Everything There Is a Season

To everything there is a season,

and a time for every purpose under heaven:

a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal,

a time to break down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,

a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together,

a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

a time to search and a time to count as lost,

a time to keep and a time to discard,

a time to tear and a time to mend,

a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,

a time for war and a time for peace.   Ecclesiastes 3

I enjoy reading my horoscope, it gives me hope and a mild feeling of optimism that somehow, the lack of control of destiny experienced daily, is just part of the plan. I don’t believe it’s an accurate foretelling of my future but it’s interesting to use in hindsight.

This year’s reads like a dream…

“You need to be ready for changes. Observing the tiny details of life will help you overcome all problems in 2020!”

For everything there is a season, and it seems we are living through that season of Pandemonium. Was this predicted do you think? It may have been, eons ago. Today it seems inevitable. We didn’t see it coming, but it was on its way and nothing was going to stop it.

IS our future written, can we change our destiny? Age-old questions that occupy some minds. We can be the catalyst of our fate, I guess. But do we really have control of anything or is it just the ‘illusion’ of control… as things keep moving to their pre-ordained destination.

Did we ever stop to think that our way of life might change at the blink of an eye?

Call it a PlanDemic or the new ‘Abnormal’ if you prefer. We now find ourselves slaves to a real ‘Beast System’. What happened to the world? Why is this happening now? All rational explanations have long gone out the window.

Do we have some shadow government or elite controllers to blame for population reduction? Are their evil schemes coming to fruition in front of our eyes? IS there really a ‘Covid-19’ virus killing people around the globe? Where are the bodies buried/cremated (there are barely any funerals in my local area)? Where are the people who know people who’ve died of it… the ones that aren’t nurses or in a retirement/care home for the elderly?

Does testing make a difference? Does isolating make a difference? Does wearing a mask matter? Will alcohol gel kill 99.9% of germs, or should we volunteer for a fast-track Bill Gates approved vaccine trial with 20-page disclaimer forms to sign?

Does hugging our Grandfather mean we might kill him? Should children play in plastic bubbles in the school yard ‘just in case’? Is going to the supermarket with a slight cough or temperature actually as dangerous as the government says?

I have to work from home as my employer demands or else lose my position. They’re still trying to find me a laptop so (in order not to break the law) they allow me to work from the office. Dare I question this?

I can shop at the few shops left on my high street, but I am not allowed to try anything on. I can buy it, bring it into my possibly infected home and then return it to the shop for quarantine. The same goes for shopping on-line. The jacket I like will need to be put in isolation if I return it. Should I bother to shop at all, especially as some people in town are actively not wearing masks in defiance of the law? Although it’s okay if you’re at a demonstration, especially in central London. I’m not sure if it depends on what you’re demonstrating though. I’m wondering about this! Questions, questions, and more questions.

Now let’s look at the silver lining to all this, many people I speak with on the subject are happy to go along with the status-quo. Some of their reasoning…

1)    The good thing about shopping online is that Covid-19, or just plain Coronavirus, as it’s now being called exclusively by the media, doesn’t stick to packages. What a relief.

2)    Oh, and it’s okay to go to the local swimming baths, because you can swim without a mask. You can use the same pool as other members of the public because everyone is using gel etc before they get in the water.

3)    You can get your face and eyebrows done at the beauticians because they’re wearing those face-shields, same goes for the dentist now.

4)    It is also okay to order take out food, and now sit in restaurants, as long as you give your name, address, and contact number. You cannot see the state of the kitchens, nor see if staff are adhering to the ‘rules’ so you have to eat-out in faith. It’s a gamble but the government is giving discounts to consumers. That’s nice of them because the hospitality sector needs customers.

5)    Masks are a good idea because it stops you from getting a virus or if you have the virus but have no symptoms at all and feel 100% well, you won’t give it to someone else without knowing it. They say this is called ‘shedding’. SO, you might be shedding for weeks and not know it. You might even have anti-bodies because you had the virus without knowing it, it cleared up, and you are now immune. This is good because the local doctor’s surgery has now closed down. But it’s okay they say as you can register online and speak to an ‘advisor’ who is ‘clinically’ trained to assist you. We will definitely have the Covid Jab and the Flu Jab this year, because it’s the only way to stop coronavirus.

6)    Unfortunately we had to cancel our summer holidays this year as most countries of the world have quarantine rules when you get there, so that’s 2 weeks lost, and coming back again means you would have to quarantine on arrival home. So that’s a double-quarantine period and our employer frowns on that, which is a shame. We hope to go next year, but we can still visit Scotland or Ireland for a weekend.

7)    If you do lose your employment you are entitled to claim benefits from the government so you need to keep proof of everything, and it might take a while to receive any funds. But at least they are helping the population, especially as there were loads of companies that collapsed, laid off all their staff, or went bankrupt and everyone was made redundant. There are a lot of people in need, so we have to be patient.  

8)    We’re looking forward to going to the cinema again once it opens. The first blockbuster is the movie ‘Tenent’ by director Christopher Nolan. It’s about time-travel and a rogue government agent that tries to stop the end of the world. Can’t wait to see it.

 For pity’s sake…. Wake up people WAKE UP!!

 I will continue to add more ridiculous arguments for the New World Order’s destruction of humanity to this post as I find them. It will probably be the longest blog post I’ll write, and the last.

 Latest crazy Covid-19 News:

Your dog may suffer depression due to your return to the office as he's gotten use to you being at home again!

All that mosquito bug spray that you bought for your holiday abroad won't go to waste. SKY News Breaking says that Porton Down Scientists (the top Biolab that brought you Novichok antidote) say that they have isolated a common chemical found in your bug-spray which 'blocks' Coronaviruses - but not specifically Covid-19 yet!