How do you recognise discrimination?
More recent events in my life have caused me to re-think why I find myself in my current predicament. What am I doing with my life? Who am I? Stuck on a perpetual roller-coaster, I spin around, get flipped upside down, and pulled back up again through a daily slog of trying to find a meaningful existence.
It appears that the system is definitely against me.
As I complete endless job applications with my qualifications, who I’ve worked for, my age, marital status and number of children, I am confronted by a page of simply outrageous enquiries.
Sometimes it’s sixteen
pages, sometimes it’s only thirteen. Before I sign and send my latest thesis
length application, even for a minimum-wage-part-time job, I must answer some
excessively probing questions.
These are designed to avoid discrimination, according to the U.K.
government. Strangely, they seem to highlight the very things that once were supposed
to be left out for fear of… discrimination.
What is your Sexual Orientation?
Are you = Lesbian/Gay, Heterosexual,
Bisexual or Rather not say?
What is your Religion/Religious Affiliation or
Rather not say?
Please describe your Ethnicity/Ethnic Origin – You
should put a tick against the one you feel you belong to.
WHITE = English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern
Irish British or Irish or Gypsy or Irish Traveller or OTHER WHITE?
If other white/other mixed/other
Asian/other black/other ethnic group (please supply details).
Are you Romanian or Bulgarian? Please specify.
5) Cultural Identification - Describe who you identify with (related to ethnicity).
Are you a member of a Secret Society? If yes,
please indicate which one.
Are you a refugee from the Montserrat Volcano?